Rooftop Bar120 mins
Networking Gallery60 mins
Baobab Room15 mins
Baobab Room15 mins
Baobab Room75 minsDiscoveries of abundant resources and large-scale projects demonstrate that East Africa is now more than ever ready to develop a regional power market. But how can the vision be implemented?
Networking Gallery15 mins
Baobab Room90 mins
- How can we align public and private sector perspectives to reach financial close?
- What policy changes are necessary to streamline projects?
- Can off-takers enhance bankability?
- Could a regional climate finance hub be the missing piece to the puzzle?
Saba Saba Restaurant60 mins
Baobab Room90 mins
- The Supply-Demand Loop: Opportunities in Power Generation
How the region's clean resources can drive energy development
- What is the plan for integrating renewable energy into the grid?
- How can we address the seasonality of certain renewable resources to ensure a stable grid?
- The role of battery storage in guaranteeing reliable energy access
Networking Gallery30 mins
Baobab Room75 mins
- The Supply-Demand Loop: Opportunities in Power Generation
Renewables’ variability highlights the role of natural gas as a transitional enabler. What are the strategies to maximize the use of the abundant gas resources in the region?
- Latest developments on gas-to-power projects
- Does the region present the necessary gas-to-power infrastructure?
- Case Study: Tanzania’s 350MW Thermal Power Project - Analysing the use of Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) for enhanced energy efficiency
Baobab Room60 mins
- The Supply-Demand Loop: Opportunities in Power Generation
Geothermal energy offers a reliable and sustainable power source, and its abundance in East Africa presents a significant opportunity for investors
- What benefits can geothermal energy bring to the region's energy sector?
- What investment opportunities does geothermal energy offer?
- How can we de-risk and speed up the drilling phase?
- Can we re-purpose gas wells for geothermal power?
Baobab Room120 mins
Networking Gallery60 mins
Baobab Room90 mins
- The Supply-Demand Loop: Capitalizing on Excess Power
Exploring the booming market of transmission and interconnection, from IPTs to cross-border initiatives
- EAPP & SAPP connection: what is the roadmap and how can we achieve it?
- Advancements on the Z-T-K
- More cross-border projects: Ethiopia-Kenya; Uganda-Tanzania
- How cross-border cooperation can enhance energy security
- Independent Power Transmission (IPT): how do IPTs work and how will they strengthen transmission networks?
- What are the implications for the interconnectors becoming live in the near future?
Pool Bar60 mins
- Country Updates
This interactive boardroom focuses on the latest country advancements, providing a space for engagement between the public and private sector. The session will take place in the hotel's garden area, near the restaurant.
- Large-scale projects updates: the Julius Nyerere dam & LNG
- How is Tanzania planning on ensuring energy security given the impact of climate change on hydropower?
- What is the energy generation roadmap?
- Can power export streamline generation opportunities?
Networking Gallery30 mins
Baobab Room90 mins
- The Supply-Demand Loop: Capitalizing on Excess Power
Exploring the mining industry’s energy requirements to enhance project opportunities. How can the mining and energy sectors connect and mutually benefit each other?
- How are mining companies addressing their power needs?
- Financing structures to support mining decarbonisation
- Projects in the pipeline
- Case Study: Geita Gold connection to the Tanzania national grid
Pool Bar60 mins
- Country Updates
This interactive boardroom focuses on the latest country advancements, providing a space for engagement between the public and private sector. The session will take place in the hotel's garden area, near the restaurant.
- How is Kenya diversifying its energy mix?
- How is Kenya leveraging its geothermal potential? What is the KenGen Energy Pact?
- How will the lift of the moratorium impact the country’s energy sector and facilitate private sector engagement?
Pool Bar45 mins
- Country Updates
- AfDB $54m loan for the development of a 120 MW onshore wind project shows Mozambique’s commitment for a cleaner energy mix. What is the country energy transition strategy? What is the generation roadmap?
- What are the latest developments in transmission?
- Looking at transmission funding models. Which approaches have proven successful in Mozambique?
Saba Saba Restaurant90 mins
60 mins
- Country Updates
- Malawi's energy sector is primarily dominated by biomass, with limited access to electricity. What are the initiatives in place to boost the country power sector?
- What is the transmission and interconnection roadmap?
Baobab Room90 minsAvailable for Sponsors to Host
Networking Gallery30 mins
Baobab Room60 mins
The expansion of data centres and digital infrastructure are boosting power demand. How will this shape the energy sector?
- How can we streamline energy projects by exploring emerging markets?
- What opportunities does advancing technology offer for the power sector?
- Highlighting some of the exciting projects currently underway in the region
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